Together News

Worker safety during COVID-19 pandemic

Written by Alex Scott | Jan 17, 2022 6:56:13 AM

Union leaders from across Australia have committed to protecting worker safety as the number of cases in Australia continues to reach record highs.

Union leaders are concerned at the federal Morrison government's failures to protect worker safety and failure to secure the tests needed to protect workers from illness and harm.

At a national level, union leaders have resolved that:

  • For workplaces were working from home is not an option, the provision of free RATs by
    employers to all workers will be necessary once supply is resolved, alongside upgraded masks and improved ventilation.
  • Union members will take whatever steps are necessary in their workplaces to ensure they are
    as safe as possible.
  • Where employers do not fulfil their obligations, the union movement determines to do
    everything within its power to ensure the safety of workers and the community.

The Morrison government continues to fail through its inability to provide Rapid Antigen Tests and through its continued legislative attacks on workplace health and safety rules that are designed to keep workers and their families safe from COVID-19.

Sign the petition to ask Scott Morrison to act to protect Australians by making RATs free and accessible.