Together News

The Secure Jobs, Better Pay Bill has passed the Parliament!

Written by Together Queensland | Dec 5, 2022 5:51:40 AM

Union members like you called on decision-makers to pass this Bill to make it simpler and fairer for working people to bargain for better workplace conditions.

And on 2 December, we won.

For too long, workers have been restricted by an overly complex bargaining system, making it harder to join together and improve pay and conditions. We need better workplace laws to even the balance for workers. Passing this Bill is a step in the right direction.

The Secure Jobs, Better Pay Bill will:

  • Get wages moving again by modernising our bargaining laws, making it simpler and fairer to negotiate for better pay and conditions and banning job ads below the minimum wage
  • Address the gender pay gap by banning pay secrecy clauses so workers can openly talk about their pay, requiring the Fair Work Commission to consider gender when making pay decisions, delivering better flexibility for workers, and improving protections on sexual harassment
  • Create secure jobs by restricting the use of rolling fixed term contracts as well as requiring the Fair Work Commission to consider job security when making decisions

Well done to all ASU members who campaigned and made this happen. Together, we can make our workplaces & society fairer.