Together News

Today is Go Home on Time Day!

Written by Together Queensland | Nov 22, 2022 9:11:02 PM

Are you planning on leaving work on time today?

Today is National Go Home on Time Day, a campaign that Together has been supporting since it first began.

The idea is very simple! Australians work too much unpaid overtime, and we want to do something about it.

Across Australia, unpaid overtime exacts a terrible toll. Australians worked a total of 2.5 billion hours of unpaid overtime in 2022, worth $93 billion per year. That's a windfall for employers. But it hurts family budgets, reduces consumer spending, and damages the economy. Worst of all, it makes it even harder to achieve a healthy work/life balance.

Step one: Go to this website, to find out how much time you are losing because of unpaid overtime.

Step two: Go home on time today!