Together News

Voice to Parliament – early voting

Written by Together Queensland | Oct 2, 2023 2:03:00 AM

Referendum voting day is on Saturday 14 October. This is our opportunity to change our 122-year-old constitution to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s 65,000-year continuous culture.

Just like at the federal election, there will be opportunities to vote early in person or by post if on the day you are travelling, working or can’t make it in person. A full list of the conditions to vote early or by postal vote can be found on the AEC website.

In Queensland early voting begins from Tuesday 3 October.

Hundreds of early voting centres will be available over the two weeks before voting day. To find a polling place near you use the where to vote tool.

Postal voting

The same eligibility applies for postal voting as voting early in person. Postal vote applications close at 6pm on Wednesday 11 October. You can apply for a postal vote and find more information on the AEC website.

Your vote has the power to open our nation’s next chapter that delivers practical change for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. If you can’t vote in person on 14 October, make sure you cast your vote early or register for a postal vote.