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We need your support for the campaign for better wages!

Cost of living increase is now 7.3%!

Wherever you go people are talking about it: The cost of living is continuing to go up. Workers' wages need to keep pace.

The ABS have released figures that show that inflation is at 7.3% in Brisbane (6.1% for all of Australia) and it is confirmation that the cost of living is outpacing our wages.

This year, workers in the Queensland public sector will be campaigning for fair wage increases with a simple message that wage increases must at least match the increases in the cost of living.

Workers in Education, Health, TAFE, WorkCover and Transport and Main Roads are working together to improve their wages - will you be part of this change?

Will you support the campaign to improve wages in your workplace?

We can only win better wages if you and your colleagues support the campaign and work together for better wages.

We know that working together is our best chance to win better wages. In supporting the campaign, you are joining thousands of workers across Queensland who are passionate about better workplaces and better wages.

Support the campaign for better wages today.

Do you have any questions about the campaign or want to get more involved. Send us an email

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Do you want to make an appointment to talk to organiser about how to get more involved or about joining the union?

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We can only win a fair wage increase through the strength of union members. You can join online.

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