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Here you will find annual financial statements and other corporate information.



The ASU rules include rules that cover all branches of the ASU. In addition, the Queensland Together Branch Rules can be found under Division Two A of the ASU rules.

You can view the rules and corporate reports for the ASU here.

ASU National office

Together is a Branch of the Australian Services Union. Information relating to governance of the National ASU and public notices that are available can be found here.


In 2001, our union introduced a bursary scheme available to dependants of Together members who are entering years 11 and 12 or equivalent.

The bursary is used to finance the costs of education for these students.

The Patricia Cousar Memorial Bursary is a small reflection of the principle that our union believes that membership does not only entitle workers to protection at work. All members who have eligible student dependants are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity.

Applications for the 2025 Bursary will close on Friday 13 December. Click here to apply.