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Reproductive Leave  Your Experience & Impact Survey

Congratulations on being part of the campaign that won Reproductive Leave for Queensland public servants!

Now that this leave has been available for four months, we want to hear from you about how it has impacted you and your workplace.

Your feedback will help us strengthen this entitlement and advocate for further improvements.

This survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. Your responses will remain confidential unless you choose to share your name and story.

240506 Brisbane Labour Day Reproductive Leave 1x1
240416 Together Queensland - Reproductive Leave event at Parliament House 16 - Together Vice President Michelle Byard
240416 Together Queensland - Reproductive Leave event at Parliament House 34 - Kara Bennetts - Dee Spink - Jess Heron - Rachel Bailey - Jess Pugh MP - Mackenzie Wakefield - Elisabeth Stalker - Haylee Kajewski
240416 Together Queensland - Reproductive Leave event at Parliament House 2 - Mount Ommaney MP Jess Pugh
240416 Together Queensland - Reproductive Leave event at Parliament House 9 - QLD Premier Steven Miles