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Support staff are absolutely essential to our schools and to Queensland's Education System – without these essential staff education wouldn’t happen!

This week is all about recognising, respecting and celebrating what you do to make schools accessible, safe, supportive and engaging places to learn.  You have done an amazing job of keeping schools running, learning continuing and keeping our community safe. It’s time to celebrate everything you do as Administration Officers, Business Managers, Schools Officers, IT Officers, Science Technicians, Speech Language Pathologists, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Agricultural Assistants, Unit Support 
Officers, Community Liaison Officers, Community Education Counsellors, Youth Support Coordinators, VET Coordinators and others – every single one of these amazing professional roles support world-class education in Queensland. It’s time to remind everyone just how important the work you do is!

Download a poster for your school!

Click on the thumbnails below to download an A4 size printable poster.

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Screenshot 2024-07-16 140403

Social Media Graphics

Save these images to  share on your schools Facebook page

Social Post 3
Social Post 1
Social Post 2