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50c Public Transport trips for all Queenslanders - another Coalition of Working Families win!

The Coalition of Working Families has been hard at work this year advocating for the needs of Queenslanders when it comes to the cost of living pressures we're facing. One of the key initiatives we've been campaigning for recently was relief on public transport fares.

It's great to see the Miles Labor Government announcement of 50c public transport fees on Sunday. This initiative will save Queenslanders thousands of dollars in public transports costs and really help Queensland working families claw back some control of their families budgets. 

Affordable Public Transport: A Game-Changer for All

The State Government's fantastic public transport policy to reduce ticket fees to just 50c is a great step towards making daily commutes more affordable and accessible for everyone. Whether you rely on buses, trains, or ferries, this new policy will take a huge pressure point off the family budget and is a great cost of living initiative from the Miles Government.

We use public transport every day. For many families it is a cost of living pressure point that we could not escape. We rely on public transport to get to work, school and other essential activities and the government recognising this cost of living pressure is a huge win for Queensland working families.

The initiative starts on 5 August and runs for six months as a trial. 

$1000 Electricity Rebate: Powering Up Savings

Adding to this win was the success of our recent campaign for a $1000 electricity rebate for all Queenslanders. Energy costs have been another significant concern for many families, and this substantial rebate will provide much-needed financial relief. Our campaign to put pressure on the Miles Government to find ways to reduce the cost of living for Queensland families has produced two key initiatives.

Whether it helps pay off existing bills, supports energy-efficient home improvements, or simply provides a financial cushion, these initiatives demonstrate the Miles Government is listening to Queenslanders and making the commitment to fight the number one issue facing residents today.

The State Budget: Priorities in Action

Our campaign is not over.

On 11 June, the State government will hand down the 2024 State Budget. It is a budget in the middle of a cost of living crisis that Queensland families are crying out for more help and more relief. All year Queensland working families have been calling for More in 2024.

Every state budget is about choices. We need a loud enough voice that the politicians cannot ignore, which tells them that cost of living relief will make a real difference to thousands of Queenslanders. 

Will you add your voice to our campaign?