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Be part of positive change: Supporting YES for the Voice to Parliament

The referendum for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice will be on Saturday, 14 October 2023. After over 65,000 years of continuous culture, it’s time Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are recognised in our 122-year-old Constitution.  

Wondering what you can do to win over hearts and minds in our communities? Join Rachel Bos, a Kaurna woman and ACTU First Nations Educator, for a 1-hour live webinar on the Unions For YES! campaign:  

Unions For YES! 

Supporting an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice 

Date: Wednesday, 20 September 

Time: 7pm AEST 

Presented by Rachel Bos 

Register here now 

You will learn about: 

  • The significance of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. 
  • Explore the key campaign messages. 
  • How to actively engage with the Unions For YES! campaign. 

With four weeks until the vote, we have a much better chance of success by actively listening, encouraging discussion, and sharing our vision with as many Australians as possible. Get practical tips on how to get there at our live webinar - Register here today.