Child Safety and Youth Justice Certified Agreement 2023
This agreement covers members employed in the Department of Children, Youth Justice and Muluticultural Affairs except those employed in Youth Detention Centres. Together members covered by this agreement are covered by the Public Service Officers Award.

Together members In Child Safety and Youth Justice campaigned to win your first standalone agreement so that you can negotiate the right conditions for your workforce,

Safe workloads means safer workplaces and better outcomes for children. Our members campaigned and won and won a better process for escalating workload issues.

This agreement locks in a wide range of conditions including improvements to address the key issues of workloads, classification and attraction and retention.

Together members won the payment of the one off $1250 sign on bonus and 7.5% wages increases over 2 years.

Our members are getting organised to push for better career paths, reclassifciation, safer workplaces and to get the department to value and retain staff. The only way we can do this is as a union.

Members will receive their 2.5% pay increase on 1 September 2021 then a pay increase of 2.5% on 1 February 2022
Download the agreement
You can find a copy of your agreement in our member portal