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Parliamentary Service Electorate Staff Certified Agreement 2020

This agreement covers electorate staff for members of the Queensland Parliament. Together members covered by this agreement by the Parliamentary Service Award.

Electorate officer members won a review of their classification structure, as well as pay rises each year.
Electorate officers and assistant electorate officers stood together to demand recognition of their workload issues and won the Relief Allowance which allows EOs and AEOs to access their leave and have relief.
Union members stood up for themselves, and when they faced resistance from management kept pushing forward until they won.
Together members won the payment of the one off $1250 sign on bonus.
As a union member you are part of a team that is always working to improve wages, conditions and our schools. Together we can make a real difference.
Sharon Abbott, Together President
Members will receive their 2.5% pay increase on 1 September 2021 then a pay increase of 2.5% on 1 February 2022