Queensland Corrective Services – Correctional Employees' Certified Agreement 2021
This agreement covers Together Custodial Members employed in the Department of Corrective Services. Together members covered by this agreement are covered by the Correctional Employees Award.
Union members fought for above award wages for all Custodial staff and won. That means better pay, more recognition and we keep the improved progression we achieved in 2016.
Being part of the union means I’m not only supported when something goes wrong but my safety at work matters too
Ben Magor, Together Delegate LGCC
Together members campaigned long and hard for this agreement and we rallied from Cairns to 1 William St to ensure we were heard
In recent years union members have won better access to permanency for temporary and casual workers, maximisation of permanent hours, and the ability to be appointed to long-term higher duties roles.
I was a part of the rallies outside Minister Ryan’s and Minister Grace’s Office and the March on 1 William St it was great to see members coming together in Solidarity
Stuart Crichton, Together Delegate, WFD CC
Members will receive their next 2.5% pay increase on 1 September 2022.
Download the agreement
You can find a copy of your agreement in our member portal