TAFE Queensland Educators Certified Agreement 2023
This agreement covers educational staff in TAFE - non educational staff are covered by a different agreement. Together members covered by this agreement are employed under the TAFE Queensland Award

Members at TAFE made massive improvements to their working life during the 2019 negotiations - including ensuring that Salary levels comparable to interstate colleagues, introducing new measures to decrease the number of casual and temporary employees and ensuring that workloads are addressed through amendments to programming arrangements.

Together members are never alone, we support each other to improve our rights at work. Together members don’t face management alone through individual workplace matters.
Suz Gordon, TAFE SkillsTech Bracken Ridge

These changes did not just happen, TAFE members came together and used their collective power to ensure they did. TAFE members acted, signed petitions and stopped work to ensure improvements were implemented.

Together members won the payment of the one off $1250 sign on bonus.


Members will receive their next 2.5% pay increase on 1 July 2021 then a pay increase of 2.5% on 1 January 2022
Download the agreement
You can find a copy of your agreement in our member portal