Transport and Main Roads Certified Agreement 2022
This agreement covers public servants employed by the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Together members covered by this agreement are covered by the Public Service Officers Award.

Together members won a review of all roles within Customer Service Centres, Transport Inspectors and Senior Transport Inspectors, and Compliance Administration Officers, as well as a customer service uniform review, Transport Inspector and Senior Transport Inspector rostering principles, wage increases, and improved progression arrangements from AO2-AO3 roles in Customer Service Centres.

The AO2 to AO3 Progression Scheme is a win that recognises what duties members have been doing for years.
Jamie Parker, TMR Customer Service Centre

Union Delegates and members came together from across the state and took significant industrial action around the issues that were really important to them including, fair wages, good working conditions, improved career pathways and accurate recognition for the work members do in TMR.

Without a strong campaign from members the much needed improvements to your agreement would not have been achieved. By working together members won and will continue to win.

Being union in TMR is about standing together to ensure that every member is treated fairly and with dignity and respect. And it’s about knowing if this doesn’t happen we will come together and make sure it happens. I believe TMR members are reasonable and will work with and for competent management to achieve a workplace that works for us all.
Ray Booker, TMR Delegate

Members will receive their next 2.5% pay increase on 1 July 2021 then a pay increase of 2.5% on 1 January 2022
Download the agreement
You can find a copy of your agreement in our member portal