WorkCover Employing Office – Certified Agreement 2022
This agreement covers employees of WorkCover Queensland.

Members won payrises, and action to address workloads.

Being a part of the union gives us members an opportunity to actively participate in our workplace negotiations for the conditions that we want to work under.

Last negotiations, union members came together to highlight workloads at WorkCover. We acted by signing petitions and sending emails about workloads to the executive, this saw a direct change in our Collective agreement, to address workloads.

Your Together union delegates have organised monthly drop-ins/catch-ups on the second Tuesday of every month from 11-12 pm in rooms 12-1, and online via Teams.
The purpose of these discussions is to look at improvements or issues you would like to address in the upcoming collective agreement.
Discussions for this agreement will start in late 2021 to early 2022. This is your opportunity to speak up and have a say on issues that concern you – for example accessing personal leave.

Members will receive a 2.5% wage increase from 1 October 2021 and a 2.5% wage increase from 1 April 2022.
Download the agreement
You can find a copy of your agreement in our member portal