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Here are the union wins starting 1 July to help your family budget.

There are a bunch new entitlements starting on 1 July 2024 that working people have won through hard work and great campaigning. Improvements to workers' rights don't just happen - it's because union members fight and campaign hard to convince governments and organisations to improve worker's rights that we see these wins.

Here is what workers won starting 1 July:

1) Tax cuts for all workers

The federal government has reformed the planned tax cuts to provide an on average $1196/yr tax cut for all workers. This is a significant cost-of-living initiative that will see more take home pay in bank accounts for all workers. Find out your tax savings here.

2) $1300 off your electricity bills

Thanks to the federal governments $300 off and Queensland Government's $1000 off electricity bill initiatives, ALL Queenslanders will have access to $1300 credit on their electricity bills from 1 July.

3) 3.75% wage increase for minimal and award wages

Big Business wanted a 2% wage increase for the lowest paid workers in this country, but union members said no. We campaigned hard and convinced the Fair Work Commission to give workers on the minimum and award wages a 3.75% wage increase. A huge win for working people across the country!

4) Increase to Paid Parental Leave to 22 weeks - plus super paid for Queensland public servants

Paid Parental Leave is an important entitlement for primary carers of children. This year from 1 July it is increased from 20 weeks to 22 weeks, and will continue to increase to 26 weeks by 2026. In March, the Queensland Government also announced that public sector workers on unpaid parental leave would receive super payments and the Federal Government has announced from 1 July 2025, super will be paid on the PPL scheme. These changes to super will go a long way to plugging the Superannuation gender gap.

5) Increase of the Superannuation Guarantee to 11.5%

Having a solid superannuation plan is crucial for securing a financially stable retirement. The Superannuation Guarantee has increased from 11% to 11.5% on 1 July 2024. It will also increase next year to 12% on 1 July 2025. That's more money in your super fund from 1 July to set you up for a better retirement.

These are just the improvements to workers' rights and cost-of-living initiatives starting on 1 July. The Miles Labor government has also announced;

as part of the Miles Government's cost-of-living package to help Queenslanders through this cost-of-living crisis. Together members were instrumental in securing these initiatives as part of our Coalition of Working Families campaign. Well done to all the members who spoke out and helped secure this package.

These improvement to workers' rights and cost-of-living initiatives happened because union members stood up and said we need a fair go. 

You can be part of this work and help us build better workplaces and communities by joining your union. Union members working together can achieve great outcomes for workers and the communities we live in. We are stronger together.

Join your union today.